Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fire Danger Goes to Moderate

The local fire danger rating will be increased to moderate on Thursday July 22. Given the number of escaped recreational, slash, and trash fires the past few weeks we may be in for a busy season. If you want to be on the list of personnel available for State Mobe, and haven't contacted the Chief or AC, please do so soon. The last two weeks of July and first two weeks of August are often the busiest time for these calls.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Yo; Hero

Lt. Lean located the missing person during yesterday's search of the Roche Harbor Highlands and Mitchell Hill DNR property; way to go Hero! The wildland driver operator class which several people complete last month paid off. We had resources off road at the Roche Harbor Farm, Roche Harbor Highlands, Mitchell Hill, Sunrise Ridge and Three Corner Lake Rd. Putting their pack test and PAT endurance in practice there were also crews on foot in the DNR area. Thanks are also due to the Sheriff's deputies on foot and off road, National Parks for providing gate access and to Will Hamilton for Highlands gate access both by Knox box and forcible entry.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Fourth

Happy Fourth of July: Since the holiday falls on a Sunday, Monday is the legal holiday. As such, we will cancel the All Department Drill scheduled for that evening. The Officers meeting will be moved to the 20Th. Have a great weekend!