Thursday, August 5, 2010

National Firefighter Health Week

National Volunteer Fire Council's Firefighter Health Week starts August 16. Check here for more information:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fire Danger Goes to Moderate

The local fire danger rating will be increased to moderate on Thursday July 22. Given the number of escaped recreational, slash, and trash fires the past few weeks we may be in for a busy season. If you want to be on the list of personnel available for State Mobe, and haven't contacted the Chief or AC, please do so soon. The last two weeks of July and first two weeks of August are often the busiest time for these calls.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Yo; Hero

Lt. Lean located the missing person during yesterday's search of the Roche Harbor Highlands and Mitchell Hill DNR property; way to go Hero! The wildland driver operator class which several people complete last month paid off. We had resources off road at the Roche Harbor Farm, Roche Harbor Highlands, Mitchell Hill, Sunrise Ridge and Three Corner Lake Rd. Putting their pack test and PAT endurance in practice there were also crews on foot in the DNR area. Thanks are also due to the Sheriff's deputies on foot and off road, National Parks for providing gate access and to Will Hamilton for Highlands gate access both by Knox box and forcible entry.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Fourth

Happy Fourth of July: Since the holiday falls on a Sunday, Monday is the legal holiday. As such, we will cancel the All Department Drill scheduled for that evening. The Officers meeting will be moved to the 20Th. Have a great weekend!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Road Closure

Carlson Enterprises will close Tucker Ave. from Larson to Guard, and Guard St. from Tucker to Blair on Tuesday for paving. The streets may also be closed on Wednesday depending on how quickly the project goes.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Pack Test Required for Red Card

It's pack test time again! Logistics is running pack tests at 08:00 on June 5 & 12. There will be another on June 19. We will be running the Wildland class test at 08:00 on June 26. This will be you last chance to test this year.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Physical Ability on Drill Schedule

Just in case you haven't checked the FireCo Training site's drill schedule, the Physical Ability Test is schedueld for June 14 (Stations 34, 35 & 36) and June 28 (Stations 31, 32, 33 & 37).
Information on each of the tasks that make up the test may be found at

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thanks for the great teamwork at the Jensen's Ship Yard fire. Safe and effective operations contained the damage and avoided firefighter injury. Kudos also go the the clean up and overhaul crew for putting things back in service after the call.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Firefighter 2 Testing

Each of the Firefighter 2 candidates burned through the skill sheets during Saturday's testing. Evaluators came from South Whidbey and North Whidbey to make the certification possible. We should officially hear from the State Fire Marshal's office in a few weeks, but everyone is confident that the written exams also went well. Thanks to Jenny Benedict, Jesse Kjolso, Jeremiah Lord, and Noah Waldron for all of their work in achieving Firefighter 2 certification. Thanks also to Michael Griffin for participating in the class.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lime Kiln Water

The Lime Kiln Park water system is under repairs. It is not available for resupply or drills. We'll let you know when it is back in service

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

FF2 @ N Bend

The Firefighter 2 class spent the last weekend at the State Fire Training Academy at North Bend. They ran numerous initial attack scenarios in the warehouse, little room and on the fourth floor. Primary search evolutions in the house prop followed the team work required for "Cars at the Curb"

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hazmat Train the Trainer

WSP is offering a Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations level train the trainer class March 3, 4 & 5 in Arlington. Your turn to play Mr Wizzard! Let the trainig office know if you are interested.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

IFSAC Firefighter 2

The 2010 Firefighter 2 class schedule has been posted on The classroom portion has been slightly reduced to allow for a weekend at North Bend. You can register for the class online or contact the training office.

Instructor 1 (sort of)

A two day class on instructional skills, part of an IFSAC Instructor 1 presentation, is scheduled for April 17 & 18. Lt. Marybeth O'Leary of Snohomish Fire & Rescue will work with students on classroom and drill ground presentation skills.
Later, a skills workshop in which participants will help each other further develop instructional skills will be followed by a test prep class. The whole process leading to an IFSAC Instructor certification. The schedule details will be worked out with the participants. This will be a great workshop for new and currently certified instructors.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

FIrst Aid

Thanks again to last night's patient patients. Thanks are also due to Lainey Volk, Debbie Grimes and Elizabeth Taylor for the great moulage work.

Hydro Testing

The older SCBA bottles will be going to the mainland for hydrostatic testing over the coming weeks. All the apparatus will be kept in service, but there may not be spare bottles in the bunker washer room. Conserve air!