Monday, September 29, 2008

Great Training

Lt.s Henderson, M. and Merlino participated in a team / leadership building class over the last weekend. From the reports it was a very worthwhile class.

FF Clark has completed Certified Fitness Coordinator training and will soon be making a presentation to the deportment on how he may help each of us attain our fitness goals.

Real Live Fire!

There is still space available for you at the live fire training burn scheduled for Sunday 10/04. Email Brad to sign up!

Monday, September 22, 2008

What a DIfference a Day Makes

Given the cool weather over the weekend, and the arrival of fall with its attendant cloud cover, the fire danger has been adjusted to LOW. The Fire Marshal does not anticipate changing the fire danger again until next spring.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Moderately nice weather

The fire danger has been upgraded to Moderate. Our recent good weather has significantly dried the 1000 hour fuels. When the fire danger is Moderate burning is not allowed between noon and 20:00. This means that no large or land clearing permits are valid.

Monday, September 15, 2008

New Safety Equip. Comming Down the Road

To better insure your safety, and to be in compliance with
federal standards, several upgrades are being made to
on-road operations. The "Emergency Scene" sign shown here is now on R-314. It is stored in the same compartment as the cones and traffic paddles. We will also be stocking 2009 safety standard compliant vests on all apparatus. These should arrive in the next week or so.

Friday, September 12, 2008

National Park prescribed fire

The NPS is planning prescribed fires at American and English Camps. Potential sites include 10 acres at the south end, and 20 acres at English Camp. These may occur as soon as Sept. 18. If you are interested in participating please let the training officer know. You will be contacted when specific dates and times are announced. This is a great opportunity to work on your task books and to gain more real life fire experience.

Locked Down

Robert Wilkinson is on standby in a hotel by in Baton Rouge, waiting for the arrival of Ike. He has been working in a mobile disaster recovery center (DRC), assisting people with their FEMA assistance claims. Baton Rouge is still suffering power interruptions caused by hurricane Gustav. The size of hurricane Ike is of great concern to disaster response workers far from the anticipated land fall of Galveston TX.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Burn to Learn: Live Fire Training

Neighbors on Golf Course Rd. have donated a structure to the department for live fire training. The burn is scheduled for October 5Th. Please contact the training officer if you are interested in participating.

Burning to Learn

The 2008 Firefighter 1 class is underway! We have five SJI Fire members and five + participants from FHFD. With every level of experience from Cadets to over five years and company officer status it is a dynamic and exciting group.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

FEMA Mobilization

Robert Wilkinson is working in FEMA's Baton Rouge JFO coordinating the sheltering of people evacuated from New Orleans. He was in place when hurricane Gustav blew through and is now watching for Hanna and Ike.