Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thanks for the great teamwork at the Jensen's Ship Yard fire. Safe and effective operations contained the damage and avoided firefighter injury. Kudos also go the the clean up and overhaul crew for putting things back in service after the call.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Firefighter 2 Testing

Each of the Firefighter 2 candidates burned through the skill sheets during Saturday's testing. Evaluators came from South Whidbey and North Whidbey to make the certification possible. We should officially hear from the State Fire Marshal's office in a few weeks, but everyone is confident that the written exams also went well. Thanks to Jenny Benedict, Jesse Kjolso, Jeremiah Lord, and Noah Waldron for all of their work in achieving Firefighter 2 certification. Thanks also to Michael Griffin for participating in the class.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lime Kiln Water

The Lime Kiln Park water system is under repairs. It is not available for resupply or drills. We'll let you know when it is back in service